Natural - Circular - Collaborative - Efficient - Profitable

Trust is sustainable capital

About Us

Gold Carbon 0 promotes the strategic management of companies in a circular economy working for the cause of decarbonization and a sustainable production model, among beings that cooperate to build companies in profitable, efficient ecosystems, with holocratic governance that manage to manage risks by creating disruptive solutions, for the generation of wealth.

Gold Carbon 0 invests in ventures with a positive impact for life in harmony with Mother Earth, reducing the negative externalities of natural capital and implementing solutions that achieve sustainable changes and constant profits.

The Gold Carbon 0 team provides funds, expertise, applied knowledge and full awareness through an absolute return investment method, contributing resource flows in projects: Agrotech, Fintech, Cleantech, Healthtechs, Greentechs, Sustainable Habitats Funds, IoT/Domotica , Blockchain/Tokenization of environmental assets

Our Mission

Gold Carbon 0 is an institution that builds ecosystems of companies and Impact funds for decarbonization and the consolidation of ESG processes to reduce, recover, revalue, recycle, transform, and build processes that mitigate carbon and methane.

Our mission is to generate wealth with absolute returns, including in our cash flows all the negative externalities of natural capital. We generate Funding, M&A and Sustainable Investments developing value chains in a circular and collaborative economy to achieve financial freedom in harmony with natural capital.

What we do

We invest in entrepreneurs, technology creators and companies that have already walked and consolidated their Seed and incubation stages and need to accelerate their evolution; sustainable development, commercial innovation and management from their second/third year of life. Investing funds, applied knowledge to be, do and have sustainable products and services building a strategic management team. We co-create ESG programs for digital assets in value chains, impact funds and investments in companies complying with ESG parameters that manage to increase their absolute value, generating profitability, scalability and expansion with estimated average rates of return of +15% per year. We form systems, processes, methods and certifications that improve human actions in a circular and collaborative economy and positively impact the lives of the beings that participate in these value chains in harmony with natural capital.

A Gold carbon 0 desenvolve Investimentos em: Fundo de Irrigação Agrícola, Agrotechs, Fintechs e finanças descentralizadas, Blockchain aplicado à tokenização de ativos e processos, IOT/Automação Residencial, Habitat e Construção Sustentável, Saúde e Pesquisa e desenvolvimento humano/planta/animal, Renováveis Energias, Transformação de Resíduos em Energia, recuperação de rejeitos de mineração e disposição final de resíduos por meio de certificação positiva de carbono e metano, criando empresas de Tecnologia Limpa, Mobilidade Sustentável e Finanças Sustentáveis.

Accelerated Companies
